Monday, June 1, 2009

Seemingly Meaningless

Ok, so Diane had a talk with me when she was at my house the other night. She explained to me that I needed to post on my blog and that it didn't matter totally what it was about and that even if it seemed unimportant to me, everyone would probably enjoy hearing about it. So here goes.
This morning I woke up to my son standing by my bed at 6:30 am. He was saying something to me but I was still out of it so I couldn't understand him. Soon, as he kept saying the same thing over and over again, I started to understand him. It sounded like "poop... foor". Okay! I'm awake! At that point I notice he's naked holding a pair of his undies. So I say, "did you poop in your pants?" And he says, "no". So I say, "did you poop in your diaper?" and he says, "no". So I say, "did you poop on the floor?" and he says "Yeah!". Grrreeaaatt. So I jump out of bed and asked him to show me and he heads into the bathroom. I look all around and didn't see anything and the potty chair is clean. Bailey was in there so I asked her if Jerome pooped on the floor and she told me yes and pointed. I look and the poop was conveniently the same color as our floor so it had blended in nicely. Lovely. The poop was about six inches away from the potty chair! What the heck. Not six inches away like he just didn't quite make it. Six inches away, like on the other side of the potty. Grrrr! All I have to say is that I'm thankful we're past the playing with it stage!


Anonymous said...

Okay, see? That was hilarious (though I feel bad for you at the same time given that picking up poo isn't anyone's choice of activity). It's the small things in life that add up to the whole and make it special (even when they're grose, I suppose), so thanks for sharing! It's just good to hear from you and to know how your day is going. As for today, I would say it can only go up from here . . .

Tiana said...

hahahaha! You and me... we should start a professional poop cleaning business! hahahaha! That sounds like a total kid thing to me. You can almost hear their little minds going, "I wonder what happens if I DON'T poop in the potty...?" hahaha! Di's right, that is pretty funny, but I know how horrible it is to clean up poop at 6 in the morning. I'm so excited to be around you guys some more and have our sweet ones play together!

Gina Ward said...

Wow...can so relate to that!!! :) Mommyhood-there is nothing else like it! :)
