Tuesday, May 27, 2008


So, since we decided to switch from Yahoo over to blogspot, I actually had some free time to get this thing set up.
But I must say this is so much more complicated! Well, maybe its not more complicated, it is just different and I have to take time to get used to how it works.
I can't even find Tiana! I'll keep working on it.
So here goes nothin.... Good bye Yahoo!!


Outdrsycple said...

Glad to see you came over to the "google side" It really isn't that complicated once you get used to it, and it is way better. You can do a lot more with this one too. It's funny that you all switched, I hadn't read Ti's post until after you emailed me this, but this morning I was totally thinking about switching! I thought Tiana might be the most reluctant since she has so many viewers, but I guess not...yeah! I'll start a new page too for just the four of us. So I too say Good Bye Yahoo.

Tiana said...

Okay, you need to help me figure this thing out. How did you list friends on your page? Oh, I just need to sit down sometime and dig around here.
