Sunday, November 30, 2008


I've been on the computer twice in the last week for about 5 minutes both times, so I feel a bit out of the loop, but I'm catching up. As you know, I started my job last Tuesday. I had four training shifts on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I go in anywhere between 4 and 5, depending on the day and get out of there anywhere between 9 and 10. All the people I work with are super nice and friendly (well, all the ones I've met so far... they have a lot of people on staff), and they have a great set-up. You can tell that it is a chain, but in some ways it is a good thing. Everything is organized and done in a universal uniform fashion. I like things to be lined out, so this has been right up my alley! I was worried about everything coming back to me, but it has been like second nature. I took a few of my own tables on Wednesday and I've been doing more and more on my own since then. I pretty much took all the tables in my section on Saturday night and handled it well! So far things are going great! All the people that trained me were great and easy to get along with and all were pleased with me, so I feel good about the whole thing. On top of everything the servers are making an average of $80 a night on the weeknights and $100 on the weekends! I can handle that! I thought I was busy before...


Tiana said...

Sounds great! Don't you love the excitement of waiting tables again? I'm glad it's working out!

Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm glad your first week went so well! Yea for tips too!
